Day 17 - The trip with no name - Sunday 24 Feb 2013

Kangaroo Island to Adelaide

On Sunday I made the sad journey from Kangaroo Island to Adelaide. Sad because I've realised that KI needs at least week to fully experience and also sad because I had to nurse the bike to Adelaide. The clutch is definately an issue and Monday will be spent trying to get the bike serviced.

Nontheless it was overall a good day. Started off with an early morning swim in the tidal pool at Kingscote, which I felt was a necessary part of the Kingscot experience. After a shower and breakfast a church service at the Kingscote Uniting Church.

Later in the day it appearred that I may have a chance of getting the bike looked at on Monday and so I changed my ferry booking and away I went. My stary was far too short and I owe a great thanks to John and Marilyn for their hospitality. A visit to Kangaroo Island with Karen in the future is definately something to look forward to.

One of my pet peeves is the cruel use of dogs as "companion pets". Little dogs who have to sit in plastic handbags or locked in little cages for the amusement of some, not a setting for the dog's benefit at all. Dogs are pack animals, who need attention, exercise and also be properly cared for, not to be ignored or just looked at and then scolded because they bark out of boredom. That's why I could not resist this photo. The dog and its owner are well known and the owner was had his ute modified to properly cater for this lovely animal. Apparently the dog goes everywhere and has a ball. Fantastic; loved it.

Once I got to Adelaide, I booked into a hotel at Glenelg and whilst out for a walk noticed this plaque. Sounds like an interesting excuse for a trip back!