Day 16 - The trip with no name - Saturday 23 Feb 2013

Kangaroo Island, Kingscote

Saturday morning I spent working on the bike. I've been playing with the needle jets for some months but it clearly was running too lean and I had to move the C clip on the adjustable needles. This was a fairly easy job and took only about an hour.

However ... over the last few days my clutch had started slipping when cold and when I took the bike for a test ride to check on the needles I could properly recreate the problem. This is a big problem and so I need to arrange a repair ASAP. I will also try to get the valve clearances checked as worn valves can occur when an engine runs too lean, the cam chain checked and get the shaft drive splines checked and lubricated.

In the afternoon I visited the Kingscote museum, which is also a National Trust property.

After this I spent quite a few hours downloading the videos from the helmet camera and turning them into a format suitable for Youtube. These will be available in the Video library once I get to a place I can upload them to Youtube.