Day 12 - The trip with no name - Tuesday 19 Feb 2013

Rippon Lea. What can I say but a great example of the work by the National Trust of Australia.

Living in Queensland during the "Joh" era ( Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen ) meant that I am from a generation that prefers to knock things down and build the latest and greatest. Much of our history has been lost. Fortunately Victoria has a preference of trying to preserve and document history.

When Karen and I lived in Melbourne in the early 1990's, we dragged poor Benjamin to many of these places and one of my favourite photos is one of Benjamin at five-years old at Rippon Lea. So on this trip, I dragged Carol along and here are the photos.

If you are going to Melbourne, take some time to visit Rippon Lea and some of the other National Trust houses such as Barwon Grange at Geelong and Como House. It is not just about the buildings, it is about the people who lived there and their stories.

I rode my motorcyle 3,000 kilometres just to stick my head out of a giant turtle's rear end, so it seems.