Saturday 24 October 2015. Cross country through parts of the Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim

Caught up with F800GS mounted Mark at his place at about 8:00 PM and the plan was, well, we didn't really have too much of a plan. We head out over Mount Glorious via the "Goat Track Road", video of which is below. From there, to the bottom of Mount Glorious, up to Somerset, left at the T intersection and down to the Esk-Crows Nest Road, which is just great. A quick bite at Crows Nest and then gravel roads at the back of Crows Nest, 17 mile road and down to the Scenic Rim. Here we dropped in at Ropeley Lutheran Church. This is an area settled by Mark's ancestors; his paternal great grandparents are interred there and there is a memorial to the three brothers who first migrated to the area. Quite a moment to be there with Mark.

Of to Laidley for some fuel and then down to the end of the road at Townson. The road was gated but I am not sure it really is private property and will have a look into this. Mark has been searching for years for a track over the range here. A reasonable quest I believe. A long day of about 10 hours riding. I guess you could deduct about two hours for stops at most. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the short video of the Goat Track Road: