Sunday 22 June 2014, Timor Leste Day 4

Sunday was a leisurely ride from Becau to Com. The longest straight in Timor saw us reach the heady heights of 84 kilometres an hour.

A Portuguese era building on the beach at Becau that was "modified" by the Japanese in World War Two to allow for canons.

Note the circular holes cut through the stone to allow canon muzzles.

Goats everywhere. Dogs and pigs too, but not at this beach. They all seem to get along just fine.

The Becau motorcycle garage. We didn't speak Timorese, merely the international language of motorcycling which includes various tonal grunts, points and thumbs up or thumbs down. This older model Honda Mega Pro was a definite thumbs down.

Caves hand dug out of the mountain by forced labour. The occupying Japanese compelled the local Timorese to build these caves as an ammunition dump.

One of my riding collegues, Tim, talking with local children. Tim, Alan and David all have incredible social compasses and the many social, welfare and religious discussions were a major part of the tour.

Our view from our guest rooms in Com. How much would you pay for this in Australia?

Happy pigs.

Goats warming themselves on the warm concrete pier at the local harbour in Com.