Today we ride ...
At midday we all met. That's David, our fearless leader from Timor Adventures and our would-be adventurers; Tim, Alan and myself. Lunch at the Castaway Bar and then off to pick up our trusty steeds, mighty Honda Mega Pros. These 160 cc rockets would soon be delivering us across Timor. First though, an orientation ride.
The day started with this view out to sea. Note the taxi. I have a theory that the taxis are spray painted from spray pack/pressure pack/rattle can paint.
The ride team of Tim, David, myself and Alan and our mighty Honda Mega Pros.
The Christo Rei (Christ the King) statue of Dili. We rode to this but did not climb the path.
The Pope Statue ( Pope John Paul II ). Again, we rode out to this statue as part of the orientation ride.Whilst many people will have their own opinion; myself I found it difficult to come to terms with a statue that celebrates a person and reduces Jesus Christ.
Some views of the mountains around Dili. Just trying to show how rugged the mountains that surround Dili really are.