Day 20 - The trip with no name - Wednesday 27 Feb 2013

Hurry up and wait ...

But its not all bad.

Whilst waiting for the bike to be repaired, I had a few hours to kill. Down at the Glenelg beachfront the factory Nissan V8 Supercar held their season launch. Pictured here are the team drivers James Moffat ( son of the famous Alan Moffat ) and Michael Caruso. In the background is the tram decked out in Team Nissan/Nortan Security colours. I love motor racing but the whole circus was just too cheesy for my taste.

Now here is one of the problems from my bike. The Yamaha V-Star 650 and 1100 models are a shaft drive and the who rear end is meant to be serviced yearly. Its not in the genuine Yamaha service manual I have and it wasn't done when the tyres were changed either. So premature wear - but then again, the big is 13 years old. Anyhow, you can see that the teeth on the drive gear are well and truly worn and would not have made it across the Nullabor. The teeth are meant to be tall and square.

This is what the teeth should look like:
It makes me wonder how the bike even got this far.