Horizons Unlimited Ride Sunday 13 May 2012

A couple of guys from the local Horizons Unlimited community took our bikes from Dayboro up over Mount Mee, across to Maleny and back through a range of back roads via the Glasshouse mountains. Best weather for it in ages, no a drop of rain in the sky and a lovely cool breeze. Has my bike hoodoo been vanquished? Will it no longer be called the Rainmaker? Will floods no longer follow me wherever I ride?

The answer to these questions and many more in episodes to come. In the meantime, here are our bikes at the Mount Mee lookout. The whitewall tyres on my bike are great, Dunlop D404s and I really noticed the difference in handling and braking. Thanks to the guys at Tyres 4 Bikes in Brisbane for getting these in and looking after the bike for me. The bike next to mine is Hein's Triumph Bonneville. The retro style is great but the bike also really goes just about anywhere. Then there is the white GS1150. These are great bikes too, but white is rare in these and really stand out.

After the ride, I thought I might take a closer photo of my bike to highlight the tyres. Just showing off. Actually for a bike that I really bought on a whim back in 2003, this bike really has proven the goods. Can't keep up with anyone when the road twists, but great long legs and so easy to work on.