So. It's been a few years.
This post is a bit of a test. A test to see if I want to reboot this blog. A test to see if I can do it more easily on a tablet and not lug around a laptop. A test to see if I can do something meaningful with this blog I guess.
So in the last few years, what's happened?
Finished my degree. Two, actually.
Bought a new motorcycle, a 2016 Triumph Tiger 800 XRx LRH. It's a great bike.
Sold the DR800 to someone I trust to rebuild it into an amazing machine.
Started a new job, working on helping others affected by domestic and family violence.
Diagnosed with Type II diabetes. Reversed it in 13 months with diet, exercise, medications, supplements, intermittent fasting and the guidance of my brilliant GP.
And other life type stuff.
Looking forward, I plan to put together a page on the Tiger, called 'The Doctor'. I plan to document some trips, as there have been a number of lovely bike trips that I haven't documented, especially one in 2022 with great friends. Most of all, I'm starting to think about how I can develop a meaningful mental health private practice that embraces many things, including motorcycles.